
Deposit Funds into Your Trading Account

When depositing funds into your trading account, you may use one of the following methods: bank wire transfer or MasterCard/VISA/Maestro credit/debit card.
The first deposit to your trading account can be made only through a bank account in your name!
You can make deposits to your trading account with a card, only if that card has been issued in your name by a bank, and only after you have provided us with a copy of the card beforehand and that card has been approved by Deltastock.
Deltastock reserves the right to send back without notifice funds received from a card that does not meet the above conditions.
Please be advised that upon a withdrawal request, funds deposited via credit/debit card will be transferred back to the same credit/debit card, respectively!
To fund your account online, you need to login:
Please be advised that we do not accept payments from third parties!
Due to regulatory requirements, Deltastock may refuse any payments from high-risk regions.

Bank Wire Transfer Bank Wire Transfers

In the bank transfer details, you have to fill in:

  1. the name of the Client/originator of funds (Ordering customer), which must always match the name listed as the trading account holder;
  2. the trading account number in the reference section (Details of payment) of the wire.
Below you can find the bank accounts through which you can fund your trading account.
Click on your deposit currency in one of Deltastock’s bank accounts below to view the appropriate instructions for a wire transfer.
Банковите сметки, чрез които може да захраните сметките си за търговия, са следните:

Please be advised that due to the bank’s specific requirements and procedures, the sums received for deposits to trading accounts will be processed as follows:

  • Sums, received by 11:00 will be credited to the trading account after 11:30;
  • Sums, received between 11:00 and 13:00 will be credited to the trading account after 13:30;
  • Sums, received between 13:00 and 15:00 will be credited to the trading account after 15:30;
  • Sums, received after 15:30 will be credited to the trading account on the following business day, after 11:30.

The time it takes for a bank wire transfer to reach Deltastock is at least one business day, and for international transfers, it is at least two business days.

Credit and Debit Card Deposits VISA

Due to regulatory restrictions by Spain’s CNMV, deposits and withdrawals with bank cards are not allowed for Deltastock’s clients from Spain.
You may deposit funds into your trading accounts online via MasterCard, VISA, and Maestro credit and debit cards.
The name of the card holder must always match the name of the trading account holder.
Due to the specifics of the credit and debit card payment process, all funds will be converted to EUR or BGN upon receipt. Thus, even if the credit/debit card account and the trading account with Deltastock are in the same currency (e.g. USD), there may be a difference between the amount withdrawn from the credit/debit card and the amount deposited into the trading account.
Upon a withdrawal request, funds deposited via credit or debit card will be transferred back to the same credit/debit card!
Further conditions apply to Maestro cards (see ‘Credit and Debit Card Withdrawals’)

ePay Deposits ePay

To fund your account via the ePay system, you must have an active registration with www.epay.bg.
Payments are made from the Delta Trading platform (for holders of Delta Trading accounts), as well as via the "My Account" section on the website (for holders of Delta Trading or MT5 accounts), after entering a username and password.

Deposits via Cash Desk at the Company’s Office

You can deposit funds into your trading account via cash desk during office working hours at: Bucuresti City Center, Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 17, etaj 3, Birou 310, Sector 2.
Cash desk deposits of sums exceeding 10 000 BGN (approximately 5110 EUR), or their equivalent in another currency, are not carried out, in accordance with the Bulgarian Limitation of Cash Payments Act.
When depositing funds via cash desk, Deltastock may ask the client to fill in a Declaration under Art. 4, para. 7, and Art 6, para. 5, pt. 3 of MAMLA (Measures Against Money Laundering Act), concerning the origin of funds.

Withdraw Funds from Your Trading Account

When withdrawing funds from your trading account, you can use one of the following methods: bank wire transfer or MasterCard/VISA/Maestro credit/debit cards.
You have to submit a withdrawal request. To access the withdrawal request, please log in to the account you are going to withdraw funds from:
You may also request withdrawal in one of the following ways:
For Delta Trading accounts:
  • From the menu of the Delta Trading platform (My Account -> Withdrawal);
  • Fill out the Withdrawal Request Form and attach it through the menu My Account -> Personal documents;
  • At the cash desk in the company office;
For MT5 accounts
  • Fill out the Withdrawal Request Form and attach it through the menu My Account -> Upload Documents -> Other Documents;
  • At the cash desk in the company office;
You can only withdraw funds which haven’t been blocked as margin for open positions.
Upon a withdrawal request, priority will be given to funds deposited via credit/debit cards and then to deposits via bank wire and/or cash desk.

Bank Wire Transfer Wire Transfer

Withdrawal requests are processed within minimum 2 (two) business days of receipt.
The minimum amount for international bank transfers is 50 EUR in cases when the bank of the client is different from the banks that Deltastock has accounts with. (see ‘Bank Wire Deposits’)
The maximum transfer fee for withdrawing sums through Banco Santander is 0.2% of the sum withdrawn, but no less than 6 EUR, without a cap on the sum withdrawn, in accordance with the bank’s tariff. Should you need more information about the expenses on withdrawals through bank transfers through this or the other banks in which Deltastock holds accounts, please get in touch with us via chat, email or phone.
The bank fees and commissions charged on wire transfers, including those charged to Deltastock under the Payment Services Directive, will be withheld from the client’s trading account.

Credit and Debit Card Withdrawals VISA MasterCard

Due to regulatory restrictions by Spain’s CNMV, deposits and withdrawals with bank cards are not allowed for Deltastock’s clients from Spain.
Upon a withdrawal request, funds deposited via credit and debit cards (VISA, MasterCard, and Maestro) will be transferred back to the credit/debit card you used to fund your trading account.
Due to the specifics of the credit/debit card payment mechanism, you could request a card withdrawal usually within 2 business days after the funds from your card have been credited to your trading account with us.
Please also be informed that when refunding sums to credit and debit cards, processing and payment usually takes 5 business days.
  1. The procedures for processing payments via Maestro cards issued by Bulgarian banks do not permit Deltastock to make refunds to such cards.
  2. The procedures for processing payments via Maestro cards issued by non-Bulgarian banks do not permit Deltastock to make refunds to such cards of sums that are different to the sums originally received.

Transfer of funds between accounts

The transfer of funds from one trading account to another trading account, whose holder is the same person, can be made directly from the trading platforms, or via the My Account section on the website, after entering a username and a password, or at any of the company’s offices.

Withdrawals via Cash Desk at the Company’s Office

Cash desk deposits/withdrawals of sums exceeding 10 000 BGN (approximately 5110 EUR), or their equivalent in another currency, are not carried out, in accordance with the Bulgarian Limitation of Cash Payments Act.
For withdrawals of sums exceeding 1,000 BGN (approximately 510 EUR), or their equivalent in another currency, the client should submit e request at least 3 days in advance.

Fees and Commissions

Bank Wire Transfers
Transfers from banks within the EEC in BGN or EUR No commissions
Transfers from banks within the EEC in a currency other than BGN or EUR transfer fees, min. 1.00 BGN
Transfers from banks outside EEC transfer fees, min. 1.00 BGN
Withdrawals the wire transfer fees, min. 1 BGN
Internet Payments
ePay system
Deposits 1.50% of the payment amount
Visa/MasterCard/Maestro debit and credit cards
Deposits 1.50% of the payment amount
Withdrawals No fees or commissions
Касови операции в национална валута
Внасяне на суми в брой без комисиона
Теглене на суми в брой до 500 лв. дневно без комисиона
Теглене на суми в брой над 500 лв. дневно 1.50%
Касови операции в чуждестранна валута
Внасяне на суми в брой във валута без комисиона
Теглене на суми в брой във валута 1.50%
  1. Размерът на вноските и тегленията се изчислява общо за деня за всеки клиент.
  2. При теглене на суми над 1000 лв., или равностойността им в чуждестранна валута, в офиси на територията на Република България, клиентът следва да ги заяви до 12:00 ч. на предходния работен ден.
  3. When there is a transfer of funds, which is in a currency different from the base currency of the client’s account, Deltastock will convert it at the current market prices of the respective currency pair. Market prices are the currency exchange rates of the servicing banks, which Deltastock has accounts with.
Comprehensive information can be found in the Tariff of Interest Rates, Fees and Commissions of Deltastock.
IMPORTANT: All incoming and outgoing payments to and from your account, which was opened in your name at Deltastock, will be performed by sources whose legal holder are you. Deltastock will not accept and execute payments from third parties, namely:
  • deposits into your account: if the person or the legal entity sending the funds does not coincide with the holder of the Agreement with Deltastock;
  • withdrawals from your account: if the person or the legal entity receiving the funds does not coincide with the holder of the Agreement with Deltastock.
Please be advised that, depending on your account funding method, as well as on the individual agreements with the respective payment institution, your bank or card operator may charge and incur additional fees.
Please, keep in mind that the bank account must be opened and the card must be issued by a bank in the Republic of Bulgaria, another EU member state, or a bank in a third country whose legal framework contains requirements corresponding to the requirements of MAMLA, in taking in consideration the risk level of this third country and the application of the measures for counteraction to money laundering and financing of terrorism, conforming to this level of risk, the presence of the full volume of similar measures as required by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and their effective application.