
FAQ - Delta Trading Demo Account

Q. 1: How do I open a demo account in the Delta Trading platform?

To open a Delta Trading (desktop, web, mobile) demo account, please complete the short online registration form found here.

Deltastock does not open demo accounts for clients from the Kingdom of Spain due to regulatory reasons.

Q. 2: How long does my demo account last for?

Your demo account expires in 5 years. However, if you do not trade for a period of 90 days, it will be automatically deactivated and deleted.

You can reset your demo account at any time, but in this case all of your positions and orders will be deleted and your account equity will be restored to the level at the time of registration.

Q. 3: I did not receive my login details when opening a demo account. What should I do?

When registering for a demo account, you are asked to enter an email address (which acts as a username) and a password – those are your login details. After registration is complete, you are redirected to a web page where those details are displayed; we recommend you write them down for future reference. We also recommend that you use a valid email address so we can have an effective means of communication with you.

A message for successful demo account opening is sent to the email address you enterеd upon registration. If you haven’t received such a message, the reason might be that you have misspelled your email address. Try registering again. Keep in mind that the system does not allow registering twice using the same email address, and so you may receive a message notifying you that this email address is already in use. In such a case, you can use our password recovery option to restore access to your demo account.

Please be informed that you can also log into your demo account with your Facebook or Google account.

Q. 4: How can I change my demo account password?

To change your demo account password, you should log in to your account from the website and set your new password: My Account > Security Settings > Password Change. The password can also be changed from the web version of the platform: My Account tab > Change Password.

Q. 5: Do I have to supply genuine contact details upon registration? I don't want to receive any spam.

We will use the contact details you provided to inform you of important changes and market news that concern your account or would have an effect on your trading activity. Under no circumstances will we disclose your personal contact details to any third parties. The choice what data you will provide us with is entirely up to you, but it is highly recommendable that you provide genuine contact details.

Please, keep in mind that the agreement you gave to receive technical analysis, current market news and other notifications from Deltastock can be withdrawn at any time and the decision whether to receive them is entirely yours.

Q. 6: Is there a risk of my open positions being automatically closed if the margin in my account is insufficient?

If the funds available in your account are not enough to maintain the margin requirement, some or all of your open positions will be automatically closed. In case of shortage of funds, the green ribbon next to the Free Margin field in the lower-right part of the platform will start changing its colour from green to red

The topic is explained in more detail here.

Q. 7: Are trading conditions for demo accounts any different from those for live accounts?

No, they are not. The idea behind the demo account is to simulate live market conditions, so that new traders can gain practical experience in working with our platform and develop their trading techniques. But without risking their own money.

In demo accounts, the margin requirement on currencies is the same as that for retail clients with real accounts: 3.33%, 5%, and the dealing spread is a target spread. Please get in touch with us should you have any questions on trading conditions for demo accounts.