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DeltaStock AD does not open demo accounts for clients from the Kingdom of Spain due to regulatory reasons.


80 major, minor and exotic currency pairs

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Shares of global companies traded on major stock exchanges

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A comprehensive portfolio of indices representing major global economies

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Silver & Gold

Precious metals with minimal spreads

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Energy and metals futures

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Crypto CFDs

CFDs on the major cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, etc.

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Why DeltaStock

25 years of experience on the financial markets

Proprietary platform (Delta Trading™) in 3 versions: desktop, web, mobile app

Protection of client funds by the Investor Compensation Fund

Delta Trading

Test your strategies without risk, in real market conditions

Use our experience to your advantage and enter the capital markets through our high-tech trading platform. Fine-tune your strategies using professional analytical features and charts. Personalise your trading sessions via an intuitive and highly customisable interface.

What traders say about us

Trade in shares, indices, ETFs, gold and silver with ease!