
Currency Correlation

USD vs Selected Currency

Currency correlation graph -

Graph -
05.04.2017 08:48:58 1.5117
05.04.2017 08:48:58 1.5675
Currency Relation: 3.69%

Deltastock created a convenient tool for the forex traders which shows the percentage with which the price of a given currency pair has changed for a set period of time.

From the dropdown menu you can select a base currency, see the price changes of the pairs with its participation and to view the automatically generated chart.

The chart allows you to get an idea for the change of the price of the respective pair in the course of time and to develop your trading strategy.

By clicking on the blue bar of the chart, you can see more detailed information about the price change of the selected pairs for different time periods: a day, a week, a month, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. By clicking on one of the orange bars, you will see more detailed information about the given period.