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Introducing Broker

trading-house Broker GmbH, Germany

On the territory of Germany, Austria and Switzerland Deltastock uses the services of the Introducing Broker trading-house Broker GmbH, Germany (Reg. Number HRB 141352, BaFin ID 134461), which is an investment intermediary licensed under MIFID.

trading-house Broker GmbH is located in the heart of Berlin and is founded in 1998 by the current CEO, Rafael Müller.

Deltastock, in its cooperation with the introducing broker trading-house Broker, does not assign it any critical and important functions that fall within the scope of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565 of 25 April 2016 supplementing Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards organisational requirements and operating conditions for investment firms and defined terms for the purposes of that Directive.

Services paid by Deltastock offered by the Introducing broker to potential clients

The potential clients of Deltastock may use the services of the introducing broker in the process of opening an account for trading in CFDs by receiving from them clarifications on the technical aspects of this process, as well as to receive clarifications on the services offered by Deltastock as a whole.

The potential client has the right to use the services provided by the introducing broker, without owing payments neither to the introducing broker, nor to Deltastock.

Deltastock shall pay on its own behalf and on its own account the services and activities provided by the introducing broker to the potential client.

Services offered to clients by the Introducing Broker and paid by Deltastock

Deltastock’s clients who have used the services of the introducing broker in concluding the agreement for trading in CFDs with Deltastock, may use the expert services of the introducing broker for the duration of the agreement, if, upon concluding the agreement, have stated explicitly that they want to use these services.

The expert services which the introducing broker may render to a client of Deltastock who stated that they want to use them are:

  • Clarification of the services provided by Deltastock, as well as the specifics of trading in CFDs and the specifics of the electronic platform for trading in financial instruments; More...
  • Assisting in the communication between Deltastock and the client in relation to the agreement, as well as the services rendered by the investment intermediary, including mediating in the communication between the parties and not only, by, when necessary, translating it from German to English and vice versa if this is required by the client;
  • Assisting the client in filling in and submitting of various documents required by Deltastock, including declarations and questionnaires
  • Providing expert assistance and support of various nature to the client in relation to the agreement and the services within its scope, except the services and activities, which the introducing broker has no right to perform.

The introducing broker has no right to provide the following services and activities to a client of Deltastock:

  • To provide investment advice to the client;
  • To provide advice and/or consultations to the client in them taking investment decisions under the agreement with Deltastock as they are at their sole discretion and initiative;
  • To accept and transmit orders from the client of Deltastock in any manner and for any reason;
  • To assist the client and/or to mediate in placing orders with Deltastock by phone or any other means;
  • To trade on behalf of and on the account of the client through their trading account in the electronic trading platform;
  • To file complaints to Deltastock or the relevant authorities on behalf of the client and/or to represent the client in an already filed complaint;
  • To use for their own benefit or the benefit of other parties and/or to misuse and disclose personal data, facts and circumstances regarding the client or Deltastock that they learned while performing their duties as an introducing broker and providing expert services to the client, including facts and circumstances regarding the balance of and operations in the cash and financial instruments accounts of the client, as well as all other facts and circumstances representing a trade secret which they have learned while performing their duties to Deltastock and/or the client.

In order to use the expert services of the introducing broker for the duration of the agreement in trading in CFDs with Deltastock, the client provides voluntarily to the Introducing Broker access to their personal data, as well as the facts and circumstances representing a trade secret within the scope of Art. 90 of MiFIA, including to the facts and circumstances regarding the balance of and operations in their trading account, insofar as this is needed for the provision of expert services and the execution of the agreement with Deltastock as a whole.

The client has the right to use the expert services provided by the introducing broker without owing additional payments neither to the introducing broker, nor to Deltastock.

Deltastock shall pay on its own behalf and on its own account the expert services provided by the introducing broker to the clients of the investment intermediary.

Other services and activities offered by the Introducing Broker

The client and the introducing broker can have other relations, including contractual, which are outside the scope of Deltastock’s Agreement for trading in CFDs and are not covered by it, if those relations do not contradict the prohibitions listed above. Deltastock does not pay the introducing broker the services and activities which are outside the scope of the Agreement for trading in CFDs, where in this case the financial relations between the client and the introducing broker are settled separately between them.

Trading-house Broker’s mission is to provide you with all the tools you need for trading success, including:

  • Free trading webinars and seminars to deepen your knowledge
  • An informative trading newsletter that keeps you up-to-date
  • A personal point of contact always available for your questions
  • Tailored training to perfect your skills

The team at trading-house remains your primary point of contact after opening your account and supports you with all matters related to your account. With the introducing broker by your side, you can better familiarise yourself with the offerings of Deltastock and use them more effectively. If there are any discrepancies in trading, the introducing broker will assist you in your communication with Deltastock. As a customer of trading-house, you benefit doubly. You use all the services of Deltastock and in addition, you receive many free services from the introducing broker.

trading-house Broker contacts



+49 30 5900911 0


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