
FAQ - Delta Trading

Q. 1: Where can I download Delta Trading from?

You can download Delta Trading from here. After you have opened a live trading account, you will receive an email containing your username and link from which to generate a password.

Note: If you already have Delta Trading installed and you have traded on a Demo account, there is no need to download or install it again. Select the "Live" button when logging into the platform and continue.

Q. 2: Can I start trading without prior experience or knowledge in finance and investments?

It is not necessary to have a background in trading. However, we recommend that you familiarise yourself with the way margin trading works and the essence of derivatives contracts. You can also read through our Education section and open a free Demo account before you start trading on a Live account.

The Delta Trading Demo account is similar to the Live trading account, but it differs in that it allows you to trade without risk and obligation, since it is in virtual money. This can be an excellent way to gain initial experience as a trader whilst exploring our platform. When you feel confident enough and ready to trade with real money, you can open a live trading account from here.

Deltastock does not open demo accounts for clients from the Kingdom of Spain due to regulatory reasons.

Q. 3: Judging by the results in the Demo account, is it possible to quickly and easily generate profits when trading Live?

In general, trading on margin involves high risk due to the volatile nature of the markets, and past performance is not a guarantee for positive future results. Profits with the demo account do not necessarily mean that you will always be profitable when trading live.

Remember that since CFDs are traded on margin, you may lose money.

Q. 4: What are the pros and cons of CFD trading?

The benefits of CFD trading are that you can trade on leverage a wide variety of instruments: forex, shares, indices, cryptocurrencies, commodities, etc. However, you must keep in mind that trading on leverage may bring you good profits, but can also generate significant losses.

It is therefore recommended that you educate yourself about the economic fundamentals and also the factors that influence the markets. We encourage you to practice with a free demo account in Delta Trading before you open a live account.

Q. 5: How can I find an instrument I want to trade if it’s not included in the Quotes window?

If you can’t find the instrument you want to trade in any of the tabs of the Quotes window, you can add it by entering its name, symbol (or part of them) in the platform’s Search engine. You can also browse through the list of Currencies, Metals, Shares, Indices, Futures, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), and Cryptocurrencies, and filter them by type, sector or country.

Q. 6: What order types does the Delta Trading platform offer?

You can place Market, Limit, Stop, Trailing Stop, and OCO (One Cancels the Other) orders, as well as good after time orders, activated at a time, set by the client (available only in the desktop version of the Delta Trading platform), or build an intricate Conditional orders tree according to your trading strategy.

Please watch our educational platform videos for more detailed information on different order types.

Q. 7: What are Conditional orders and how do I use them?

A Conditional order is a pending order that is attached to an existing Limit/Stop. It is sent for confirmation only after the Limit/Stop is executed. These orders allow you to trade without having to constantly monitor the market.

Conditional orders can’t be linked to a Limit/Stop attached to a position but only to an order initially placed as a Limit/Stop.

To place a Conditional order, right-click on the Limit/Stop in the Pending Orders window, on the selected instrument in the Instruments grid or on a position you have and choose the Conditional Orders option: a pop-up window will open, from where you can request a new base order, place a Conditional order, and edit existing Conditional orders. The Conditional orders in this window apply only to the instrument for which you have opened the window.

Once the initial (the preceeding) order is executed, the Conditional order is sent for confirmation; then the next Conditional order and so on. The platform allows you to link up to 100 Conditional orders to a confirmed Limit/Stop – this way you can easily build trading strategies and manage your investments better.

A commission of 0.007% of the Conditional order’s transaction value will be applicable to your Conditional orders upon their execution.

Q. 8: What are the commissions on transactions executed via Delta Trading?

There are no commissions on trading in CFDs on foreign exchange, precious metals, indices, and futures. Commission charges do apply for equity trades (shares and ETFs) and upon the execution of Conditional orders. For more information, please refer to our Trading Conditions.

Q. 9: Do I need to keep the platform open all the time in order to monitor the quotes and react quickly to market movements?

Not necessarily. You can take advantage of the Limit, Stop and OCO orders which are executed when the price of the traded instrument reaches your predefined level. They are explained in detail in the Education section.

You can also build a Conditional orders tree in accordance to your strategy. Please refer to the platform manual for more information.

If you use Trailing Stop orders, you should keep in mind that those are only available in the desktop platform. When you log out of it, your Trailing Stops will be deactivated and will start functioning as regular Stop-Losses. They will be activated again once you log back into the desktop platform.

Q. 10: What should I do if I can’t rely on my computer or smartphone or my Internet connection is down and I need to react quickly to a market fluctuation?

If you have problems with your Internet connection or need access to your account, you can phone our dealers at +359 2 811 50 51, and they will give you a current quote and, if you wish, accept your order.

Q. 11: In case of a problem, how can I be sure I will get the necessary attention?

We provide 24/5 customer support via telephone, email and online chat. In case of any problems, you can contact your personal Account Manager during Deltastock’s business hours and they will provide you with the necessary assistance.

Q. 12: Does the platform offer a mode of operation that requires fewer resources from my computer/tablet/smartphone when I’m not actively trading?

Yes, all three platform versions feature resource-saving modes of operation.

Desktop: At the bottom of the Settings window, which can be opened by clicking the corresponding icon in the Tools tab, you’ll find an Eco Mode check-box, and you can also specify when this mode will be automatically turned on (max. 30 min). If you set it to 10 minutes, for example, and if you do not interact with the platform during that time, it will automatically enter into economy mode. The result is that the quotes are refreshed more slowly (e.g. once a minute) and some other processes are slowed down to preserve the computer’s resources. The platform automatically exits Eco Mode as soon as you start interacting with it again.

Web: The platform automatically enters into a slower mode of operation (again to preserve computer resources) when the browser’s tab used by the platform has not been opened for 5 minutes, or when the tab is open but the platform has been left idle for the same amount of time. You exit economy mode as soon as you click on the tab or touch the computer mouse – provided you have the platform’s tab open.

Mobile: The application enters into economy mode when it’s been left idle for 3 minutes – the screen gets slightly darker. As soon as you start interacting with it again, it exits the economy mode.

Q. 13: How come my Stop/Limit order is not executed when the market has already reached the level I have specified?

It is possible that you are looking at the wrong chart and this may bring confusion.

In the Delta Trading platform you can view both Ask price charts (the price at which you can buy an asset) and Bid charts (the price at which you can sell it).

When you want to open a long position (i.e. to buy a certain instrument) and wish to track through the chart the market price at which you could buy it, upon opening the long position, you must watch the Ask chart. After you have opened the long position, you must watch the Bid chart, in order to see the market price at which you could sell (the price at which the position will be closed).

When you set stop and limit orders on the purchase or sale of an instrument, you must once again be careful what chart you are looking at. For example: if you set a limit for the sale of EUGERMANY40 at a price of 13000, but you’re looking at the Ask chart and the price there reaches 13000, the limit order will not be executed, because it is for the buy price shown in the Bid chart where the price is different (usually lower).

Q. 14: When does the transfer of an open position take place and how does it affect my account?

A position is transferred to the next day if you hold it open at 24:00 h EET.

Please be advised, however, that if you hold a position overnight, interest (rollover) will either be charged or received as you have borrowed money from your broker in order to have this position open. The fees incurred on the transfer of an open position for the next business day are the interest rate currency differential of the quoted instrument.

In our Education section, you can find more information about interest on positions held overnight in Forex, Equity and Index CFDs and also about dividends.

Q. 15: How are my position's Average Price and Profit/Loss calculated?

It is important that each client knows and understands how their trading affects the result (profit/loss) from a position and the account equity.

To calculate your position’s Average Price and Profit/Loss on the Delta Trading platform, you can use the following example (an example of a EUR/USD trade and account equity of 10,000 USD):

Each increase in the size or partial closure of the position affects its average price. The result from the client’s trading activity is reflected in their account transactions when the position is fully closed.

Trade Amount (lots) Market Price Net Position (lots) Average Price Unrealised Profit/Loss* Realised Profit/Loss** Account Equity***
Trade 1 Buy 10 1.1400 10 1.1400 0 $10,000
Trade 2 Buy 10 1.1300 20 1.1350 -100 0 $9,900
Trade 3 Sell -10 1.1450 10 1.1250 200 0 $10,200
Trade 4 Sell -10 1.1350 0 n/a 100 $10,100

*Unrealised Profit/Loss is the result from all your open positions. This is the profit/loss that would be made if you were to close all your positions.

**Realised Profit/Loss is the result from all the positions you have closed. The realised profit loss is deposited into your trading account.

***Account Equity is the amount currently held in your trading account, calculated as if all your open positions were closed at the current market prices.

How to calculate the average price of the above position:

(10 x 1.1400) + (10 x 1.1300) – (10 x 1.1450) = 1.1250 (average price)
10 (net number of lots: 10 + 10 – 10)

Trade 1 opens a 10-lot long position.

Trade 2 increases the size of the position twice – which changes its average price.

Trade 3 partially closes the position. The profit/loss remains unrealised and is not reflected in the account transactions but in the current account equity and average price of the position, which changes from 1.1350 to 1.1250.

Trade 4 fully closes the position and the current profit/loss of 100 USD is realised, which is reflected in both the current account equity and the account transactions.

Final result (profit/loss) from client’s trading activity = 100 USD

Final account equity = 10,100 USD

For additional information on this topic, click here.

Q. 16: What is position close-out due to insufficient margin?

Trading on margin allows you to trade using amounts larger than your account equity, meaning that it can potentially increase your profits. Тhe same, however, could apply to your losses.

Failure to maintain the minimum margin requirements may lead to the automatic closing out of your open positions. Positions in instruments whose markets are closed at the time of close-out will remain active until the respective market re-opens.

In the coloured bar at the lower-right corner of the platform, you can monitor the ratio between free funds and the required margin. A negative value would mean that you have insufficient available funds.

DeltaStock applies a 50% margin close-out rule on a per account basis.

This means that should your account equity drop to or below -50% of your free funds (which is equal to +50% of the required margin), then all or part of your open positions would be automatically closed at the current market prices. Please be advised that close-out is done on a per account basis, and not per individual position.

In other words, if you had €600 in your account and you opened positions requiring €500 margin, they would be automatically closed if your account equity fell to or below €250, due to price fluctuations on the traded markets.

When your account equity falls to or below -10% of your free funds (which is equal to 90% of the required margin), you may be notified that the deficit in your current account equity (free funds) is approaching the minimum requirement levels. Please be advised that DeltaStock has no obligation to send you such a notification (in a fast moving market, for instance, we may not be able to contact you in time).

You should actively manage your account in order to avoid situations where your margin is insufficient. Whenever your account equity drops below the margin requirement, DeltaStock will cease the opening of new positions.

One way to avoid your positions being closed due to insufficient funds would be to place Stop and/or Limit orders. These will close your open positions automatically when/if the market has reached your pre-defined price levels. This way, you can both protect your profits and limit your losses at the same time.

Q. 17: When and where can I view the result from closed transactions, incurred interest rate, position revaluation, amount of daily withdrawals and deposits?

On the next business day following the closure of your transaction, Deltastock prepares daily statements for its active clients. These show all transactions, open positions, incurred interest rate, closing prices, daily adjustments, current balance and other information about the changes to their account.

Statements are available on the next business day, after 12:00, and can be seen in the Statements menu of the My Account section of the desktop and web versions of the platform and also on Deltastock’s website.

You can refer all your questions about your daily statements, interest, commissions, etc. to our Front Office.

Q. 18: What do I do when I want to withdraw funds from my account?

If you wish to withdraw funds from your account, you can use one of the following methods:

- From the My Delta Trading Account section on Deltastock’s website -> menu “Deposit/Withdraw” -> tab “Withdraw” and press the button “Send a withdrawal request”, where you must enter the respective information about a bank account or a credit/debit card number;

- From the menu of the Delta Trading platform (My Account -> Withdrawal);

- Fill out the Withdrawal Request Form and attach it through the menu My Account -> Personal documents;

- At the cash desk in the company office. You can bring an already filled in request form or fill it in in the office;

When making a withdrawal, priority will be given to funds deposited via credit/debit cards and after that - deposits via bank wire and cash desk. Please, be advised that you can withdraw funds only to the debit/credit card you had made a deposit with.

Please be advised that you can only withdraw funds that haven’t been blocked as margin for open positions.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the customer support office of Deltastock!

Q. 19: I did not find an answer to my question, how can I get in touch with you?

You can get in touch through the numbers and emails listed in the Contacts section on Deltastock’s website.